That's a wrap.
Okay on a serious note, my year was shit but at the same time, it was one of my best years ever. I came to my realization that as much of the things that I had lost, I had also gained. January was the start of disaster when the whole covid 19 got worse and the stress of doing online school was affecting me, a lot! My mental health was totally down the drain and not to imagine the amount of drama that took place. It was a new experience for both me and the people around me. Who would have expected that I would have on a pageant, run for the secretary of the student council, start a club, rebuild a club, start a podcast, start blogging, become an activist, get a new phone that I wanted, become closer to God, applied for college, do cosplay, and most importantly become a more outspoken person? This year I have met so many inspiring and amazing people that shine brighter than the sun and they helped push me to pass my limit.
I also regret losing some of the closest persons around me but I also gained insight on those who weren't meant to be around me, those who held me down and I'm glad I broke free from some of them. As much as I faced many obstacles leading to the end of this year I can only say that I was happy to have experienced it all because as they say "That's life" and a part of growing up. If someone would have told me last year that I would have accomplished all I stated earlier I would just laugh and pessimistically remark that I was good for nothing and that I would accomplish those in my wildest dreams.
Who would have guessed that being online and staying at home would make me a bolder but very anxious person because as much as I am talking now I have extreme anxiety? But the difference between the now me and the one before is that I know that I can push myself way past whatever boundaries I set for myself. Even though I said it was the persons around me that contributed to this change, I also have to give myself credit for accepting the new me, the new change, and trust me I don't handle change well so it was very surprising.
I accepted the challenge of growing up and I'm happy I did so whoever reading this stop being a pessimist like how I was who looks at all the things that went wrong but appreciates the things that went well. I don't remember where I hear this but "There's always a balance either the bad will balance out the good or the good will balance the bad." So as much as you're suffering right now it will all come to an end soon enough. I'm not telling you to trust me on this cause I don't know myself but it's the little advice I can give while being an optimistic person for the time being. So it's up to you, to embrace the change and be someone more than who you set yourself to be, or stay stuck it's up to you.
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