Undeniably loving you.
I think the irrevocable knowledge of the fact that you will never be mine again really seems to be making a rather frequent visit to my mind. There are days where I go without thinking about us. And then there are days when all I can think about is you. They say it heals with time, but it's been almost half a year and well as hurt as I may be that you chose to live a life without me, I still have to find solace in the fact that we existed. That at one point in our lives we met and we had something beautiful. I still look for you in everything and everywhere I go and I guess, I still need time to grieve. I've been reflecting, healing, growing, fighting, living, trying, holding on, loving, dreaming, eating, working, and feeling. I've been feeling the effects of your absence and growing out of the attachment/bond that we had created. I've been trying to let go of the words that held me back. All the "I love you" and the "I promise". It's been hard b...